If your experience at North and West Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau has not met your expectations, we’d like to do what we can to make the situation better. We are always open to feedback and looking for ways to improve our service.
It’s important to us that if something’s not right, we know about it. We also keep all complaints completely confidential. If you want to make a complaint, you can do so using the following four step complaints procedure.
Step 1: Speak to North and West Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau
In the first instance, please contact North and West Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau directly to discuss your concerns. You can talk to us face-to-face, over email or on the phone. We’ll do everything we can to sort out your problem straight away.
Step 2: Ask for an investigation
If you’re not happy with our response, you can send an official letter into our bureau manager to complain, or request a formal investigation in an email or by phoning us. Our bureau manager will thoroughly investigate your complaint and this process will be overseen by the bureau chair. If your complaint is about the bureau manager, then the chair will take charge.
We’ll aim to respond to your complaint within 20 working days, however if there’s going to be a delay - due to a complicated situation, for example - we’ll let you know. Following the investigation, we’ll tell you what actions we’ve taken and how we plan to do things differently in the future.
Step 3: Request a review
If you’re not satisfied with how your complaint was handled, you can raise this with the Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Advice Scotland for a review of the complaints process followed by Bureau.
Stay in touch
Call our bureau directly
01971 521 730
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